Our Services


Psychotherapy is a highly structured and clinically proven treatment for overcoming a wide range of problems including anxiety, depression, insomnia, OCD, panic attacks, PTSD, social phobia, low self-esteem, somatic complains, health anxiety and relationship problems.

Psychological techniques are used to identify and change the pattern of thinking which create distress in the life. Psychotherapy is effective in the treatment of those psychological which conditions rooted in childhood experiences, as well as those problems which triggered by recent situations, trauma or life events.

If you are facing psychological problems, you can contact us to book your appointment (Tab for Booking Appointment)

What we offer

We provide a number of psychotherapies, including Rational Emotive behaviour therapy (REBT), CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), Gestalt Therapy, Family Therapy, Marital Therapy, psychosynthesis, and mindfulness therapy.  You will get all these services from fully qualified Clinical Psychologists in a safe environment. We understand that you are paying for a service, and expect professional help and good value for money. We assure you; we can provide you both.

Online Therapy

The research shows that online Psychotherapy is as effective as traditional face-to-face Psychotherapy. The psychotherapy is normally delivered over video link. Online therapy involves the same psychotherapy techniques and methods which are used in face-to-face psychotherapy. Where the client prefers to work off-screen, sessions can be held by audio, phone connection, or face to face.

Online Psychotherapy provides a modern and flexible an opportunity for people to find one hour per week to discuss their psychological difficulties with their therapist. It minimizing the time, travel and childcare constraints which associated with attending face-to-face therapy sessions.

How we work

Your first appointment is related to assessment. After initial assessment we will be able to allocate the right psychologist who has an expertise in dealing with your problem.

Psychological Assessment

Psychological assessment is used to get the understanding of a presenting difficulties e.g., difficulty in reading, writing, or performing different tasks which involved cognitive and verbal abilities.

Psychologists use different psychological tests to provide measurements of intellectual, achievement, aptitude, personality, emotional state, and psychological well-being. These may be used to inform treatment, or for other specific purposes such as educational, job selection, and visa purpose.

If you want to get detailed psychological assessment for your child or for yourself you can Book an Appointment with us.

What we offer

Our psychologists are trained to administered range of standardized psychological tests for number of different psychological difficulties and for a wide range of different purposes. We offer the following psychological assessment:

  • Intelligence Assessment
  • Learning Difficulties/Disabilities Assessment
  • Achievement Assessment
  • Personality Assessment (For military and CSS interview)
  • Clinical Assessment (Autism, Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder, Developmental Delays & etc )

How we work

Your first appointment is online and related to the brief assessment of your or your child’s need of psychological assessment.

After initial assessment we will be able to allocate the right psychologist who can carried out your required psychological assessment for your required purpose.

Once the psychologists conduct the psychological tests, they usually required a two-week time to score the test and prepared the report. Once report will ready, an online session will be conducted to discuss the report, and after the session report will be emailed to you.

Face to face assessment

Most of the Psychological assessment especially with children is conducted face to face.  It involves the administration of different psychological tests (which are based on certain verbal or practical questions) to assess the psychological difficulty of the child/person.

Most of the psychological assessments can not be carried on online, because behaviour of the assesses is required to be observed by the psychologist.


Tutoring is educational support, which is given on one-on-one and different from the regular teaching as it focused upon the particular needs of a student. It enriches academic development, fills knowledge gaps, and build confidence.

If you are looking for tutor in Psychology you can contact us.

What we offer

Our tutors are trained professional psychologist. The offer to help you in understanding varies concepts and helping you in building the structure of your assignments and dissertations.

  • SPSS
  • Hypotheses development
  • Writing the literature review
  • Structuring the thesis
  • Structuring the assignment
  • Power Point presentations
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Critical reasoning
  • Poster presentations
  • Help to understand any complex area of psychology including; clinical, social, abnormal, health, statistics, research etc.

 How we work

Send us your request in which area of Psychology do you want facilitation. Once we assess your request first available tutor will allocate you. You need to send us detail like your deadlines, your university requirements, and write clearly what help do you required.

All session will be online. And time should be mutually decided between you and your tutor.